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Student Testimonials


A phenomenal student friendly environment

I picked this faculty because it is glamorized by an amazingly student-friendly environment with zero ragging and an affectionate staff with a remarkable dedication towards students' education.

Dunya Jayasekera | Kadawatha, Colombo 

A teaching hospital in close vicinity

As medical students, we are privileged to have a teaching hospital in Ratnapura itself, which is rich in a variety of patients and very helpful hospital staff.

Kasun Dissanayake | Bibile, Monaragala  

It was my dream to study in a naturally gifted university

It was my dream to study in a naturally gifted university where I not only wanted to study but also wanted to experience a peaceful multicultural environment with a loving bunch of friends.

Sharafath Thashreefa Ajwath | Sainthamaruthu , Ampara

Surrounded by scenic mountain ranges

It is a brand new faculty surrounded by scenic mountain ranges. It indeed attracted my eye. I wanted to experience a fresh start, free from the notorious ragging and this faculty certainly is promising.

Ranmina Wickramanayake | Kandana, Gampaha  

Propels towards learning

Friendly staff; stress-reducing environment with natural beauty; increases the enthusiasm towards learning, while the cultural background and extracurricular activities improve the overall wellbeing of students.

Goshila Himashi | Kuliyapitiya, Puttalam

More than just a degree.

I strongly believe that my university is a place that is fully blessed with nature, enthusiastic lecturers, positive vibes, and motivated peers. It will give me more than just a degree.

Jaazim Adhnan | Akkaraippattu, Ampara  

A great melting pot to experience diversity

Life at SUSL is not about being competitive, but more or less a delightful journey with students from different backgrounds from all over the country. It is a great melting pot to experience and respect diversity.

Ravishani Jayawickrama | Kirindiwela, Gampaha