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Department of Medicine - Assessment


Following is the guidelines developed for the assessment. (copied from the core curriculum of Medicine)




Marking scheme in Medicine


Marking scheme for the different assessments in Medicine in the MBBS programme is as follows.

1. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) paper – 20 marks

2. Structured Essay Question (SEQ) paper -20 marks

3. Short case assessments – 20 marks

4. Long case assessments – 20 marks

5. Continuous assessments – 20 marks


1. Multiple Choice Question (MCQ paper)

The common MCQ examination conducted at present should continue with the same format (30 single best answer questions and 20 true/ false type questions). The number of questions in each system / section e.g. cardiovascular system, respiratory system in the common MCQ paper is given in the annexure.


2. Structured Essay Question (SEQ) Paper. This is ONLY a guide.

The duration of this paper will be 3 hours.

There will be 6 SEQs of three hours duration. The questions included in the SEQ paper will be formatted to assess the following main domains.

1.   Interpretation of clinical and / or laboratory findings

2.   Knowledge on the management of medical emergencies

3.   Pathophysiology

4.   Comprehensive management including ethical issues where relevant therapeutics

5.   Epidemiology

6.   Prevention


3. Short Cases

This part of  the  examination  will  consist  of  a  minimum  of  4  cases  representing  the  major systems, namely cardiovascular system, respiratory system, nervous system and abdomen.

The duration of each case will be 7.5 minutes.  5 minutes are allocated for the examination and 2.5 minutes are allocated for the discussion.

Candidates will be given specific instructions at each station. Specific instructions will be displayed at each of the short case station (e.g. examine this patient’s cardiovascular system or palpate this patient’s right radial pulse and perform cardiac auscultation). Marking will be done on a uniform marking scheme for a short case.


4. Long Case

Students will be allocated 40 minutes to obtain a detailed history and physical examination and formulate a management plan. This will be followed by a 20-minute discussion.

It is expected that the student will present the history, differential diagnosis and physical examination by the end of 10 minutes. Marking will be done on a uniform marking scheme. (See annexures)

Presentation should include a complete history, differential diagnosis based on the history and physical examination findings. Preferably presenting summaries of the case and problem lists alone must be avoided. No urine testing needs to be done for this assessment.

All long cases should have multiple problems and physical signs. Long cases assessments based only on the history should be avoided as long cases given to candidates.

There must be a briefing session for examiners before exam.


5. Continuous assessments

Assessments during the introductory module/ appointment There will be no assessment for the introductory clinical module.


Assessments during 3rd and 4th years appointments

Each appointment will be encouraged to conduct some form of an assessment.

  • Formative assessments such as Mini-CEX
  • Home visits 4th year
  • Portfolio based on workbooks
    • 15+15 cases from each medicine appointments
    • 5 cases from each short appointment

Continuous assessments 10 Marks will be allocated to an assessment of the Portfolio in Medicine (3rd and 4th year segment). This will be conducted by the academic staff members of the Department with the assistance of other staff from the Ministry of Health and Faculty


Assessments during the Professorial appointment

Continuous assessments 10 marks will be allocated for continuous assessments for Medicine during the Prof Appointment which will be conducted during or at the end of the Professorial appointment.

Assessments during or at the end of the Professorial appointment will be using

  • Performance in Ward Work
  • Observed History Taking
  • Communication Skills
  • VIVA VOCE focusing on Emergencies and ethics. With the availability of a Simulation Centre or Skills Lab, a practical assessment of emergencies will become feasible.
  • OSCE