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IEEE Student Branch of SUSL


The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to technological advancement. It is committed to advancing technology for humanity and is on a mission to improve human life through the use of technology. IEEE Student Branch of Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka which was established in 2016, is nurtured with the influence of IEEE to enhance people's lives with technological advancement. The major goal of the Student Branch is to attract and retain a high number of members while participating in a wide range of community services to benefit mankind in the future.. Within the past  few years, the IEEE Student Branch of the SUSL, with the support of IEEE Sri Lanka Section, was able to organize and host numerous technological forums like Let me Hack, IEEEXtreme, IEEE Sri Lanka Section Student/ Young Professional/ Women in Engineering Congress 2017, Tech Talks and a number of community services. In the year 2020, the IEEE Student Branch of SUSL was awarded with the “Best Industry Collaborative Project” in recognition of the outstanding by IEEE Sri Lanka Section Student/YP/WIE Congress held in March 2021.