Research Higher Degrees
Research Higher Degrees offered by the FGS-SUSL are designed to provide research training in a manner that fosters the development of independent research skills in candidates. The Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programmes are advanced postgraduate degrees undertaken by research only and lead to advanced academic and theoretical knowledge in a specialist area. Both programmes are available in full and part-time modes.
Research higher degree candidates are required to make an original contribution to knowledge or understanding in their fields of study and meet recognised international standards for such work. Research should be conducted with a high level of skill in analysis and critical evaluation and should provide evidence that the candidate is familiar with and has employed the most suitable research methods and other procedures in their studies.
The intended Learning Outcomes of the MPhil Programme are that graduates will:
- Have up-to-date and in-depth knowledge in their area of specialization;
- Have acquired analytical and presentational skills appropriate to a wide range of professional activities enabling them to undertake research independently;
- Be able to integrate the literature in their area of specialization;
- Be able to utilise a range of qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods of analysis and equip themselves with the rigorous and ethical research methodologies needed to conduct high-quality research in their area of specialization;
- Be able to present informed arguments consistent with such evidence; and
- Be able to present research findings effectively in both written and oral form while complying with both ethical and academic conventions.
The intended Learning Outcomes of the PhD Programme:
Upon the completion of the program, graduates will be able to:
- Frame questions about complex problems and conduct independent research at a high level to answer those questions;
- Demonstrate knowledge of recent advances in knowledge within a specific field of research;
- Gather evidence of different kinds from different sources, and able to integrate the literature in their area of specialization;
- Analyse and evaluate their own research findings and those of others, and be able to offer critical appraisals of other research in their field;
- Utilise a range of qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods of analysis, and will be equipped with the rigorous, ethical research methodologies needed to conduct high-quality research in their area of specialization;
- Demonstrate the skills of research management, including how to access funding;
- Present informed arguments consistent with evidence; and
- Present research findings effectively in both written and oral form, while complying with both ethical and academic conventions.
Candidates who have fulfilled the entry qualifications to follow a research degree under any of the following areas of concentration should apply for registration to the respective Board of Study. The following concentration areas are offered:
Board of Study | Areas of Concentration |
Agricultural Sciences | Agribusiness Management, Agricultural Environment & Resource Management, Animal Bio-resource Management, Aquatic Bio-resource Management, Crop Improvement & Plant Protection, Crop Production Technology, Food Business Management |
Agricultural Sciences | Agribusiness Management, Agricultural Environment & Resource Management, Animal Bio-resource Management, Aquatic Bio-resource Management, Crop Improvement & Plant Protection, Crop Production Technology, Food Business Management |
Indigenous Knowledge and Community Studies | Indigenous Knowledge, Community Studies. |
Computing | Computer Science, Information Technology, Software Engineering |
Geomatics | Geodesy, Geographic Information Systems, Hydrography, Land Management, Land Surveying, Remote Sensing |
Humanities | English, English language Teaching, German, Media Studies, Sinhala, Tamil, Hindi, Translation Studies. |
Management | Business Economics, Environmental Management, Finance, Marketing, Parks & Recreation, Tourism. |
Physical & Natural Sciences | Applied Physics, Chemical Technology, Conservation Biology, Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Food Science & Technology, Physical Sciences |
Social Sciences | Economics, Statistics, Geography, Sociology, Political Science |
Sports Science & Physical Education | Physical Education, Sport Sciences |
Technology | Engineering technology, Biosystems Technology |
Opportunity for Multidisciplinary Studies
Prospective candidates are advised to consult the Chairperson/Secretary of their proposed enrolling Board of Study to discuss opportunities available for multidisciplinary studies.
Admission to the MPhil Programme is direct. Note that except where the FGS-SUSL has given permission for direct registration for the PhD degree, each candidate shall initially register for an MPhil. Such a candidate shall not be examined for a PhD unless he/she has been upgraded in accordance with the regulations specified in the Research Higher Degrees By-Laws.
General Intake: prospective candidates can submit their applications at any time. However, the in-take for both programmes of study is twice a year, falling in February and September each year.
Special Intake: candidates who have already gained approved research grants from any local or foreign grantor to follow a Research Higher Degree leading to MPhil or PhD, can process their application at any time of the academic year.
Calling for Applications
An application for registration for the MPhil or PhD shall be invited by advertisement in the printed, electronic media and/or FGS-SUSL web portal ( A person who wishes to become a candidate for the MPhil or PhD must make an online application or send the hard copies of the downloaded Application Forms (RD-01 Form & RD-02 Form) including all the required documents under Registered Post to the below address.
Faculty of Graduate Studies
Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka
P.O. Box 02
Belihuloya - 70140
This application shall be on the prescribed form (RD-01 Form) which details the relevant information the candidate may be required to submit, including his/her qualifications for undertaking the course of study. Admission can be progressed with scanned documents, but candidates are required to produce original documents at the time of registration.
Information Required for Application
Candidates are required to submit the following to FGS-SUSL as part of the application process:
- A proposal that details the intended MPhil or PhD research according to the required format. This should explain the research problem and identify its context in a summary of the relevant literature, clearly demonstrate the objectives of the study and how these will add to academic knowledge/fill a gap/void/hiatus in academic understanding. Candidates should also include in the proposal an outline of the methodology they would employ to gather and analyse the data necessary for the completion of the research (PART A of RD-02 Form);
- The possibility of obtaining funding to cover the cost of enrolling in the programme, and the costs associated with data collection, data analysis, laboratory expenses including hiring/purchasing of instruments and chemicals, should be included in the proposal if applicable (PART B of RD-02 Form);
- An outline of the proposed timetable for completing the MPhil/PhD (PART C of RD-02 Form);
- Two reference reports (at least one from a referee in the relevant discipline). As per the information provided by the applicant the FGS-SUSL will take steps to obtain reference reports from both referees (RD-03 Form);
- A letter from an employer stating his/her consent for the candidate to follow the respective research degree either on full-time or part-time basis;
- Academic transcripts of degree(s) already received and forwarded through the relevant institution;
- A certified copy of the English translation of your Birth Certificate; and
- Four (4) colour photographs of passport size on white background, if the candidate is permitted to enrol.
Application Processing Time
Usually, it takes a period of four (04) months to complete the processing of a Research Higher Degree Application and the FGS-SUSL to issue the conditional offer letter to a candidate who applies for RHD Programme under general intake while under special intake, it takes about two (02) months period.
By-Laws made by the Council of the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka under section 135 of the University Act No. 16 of 1978 as amended by Act No. 07 of 1985
Application Procedure, Registration and Maintaining Active Status of Candidacy
These By-Laws shall be cited as the Research Higher Degrees By-Laws No. 01 of 2016. Subject to these By-Laws a person may be awarded the Master of Philosophy or Doctor of Philosophy (hereinafter referred to as the MPhil or PhD respectively) by the Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) of the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka (SUSL) if he/she has:
a. been a registered student of the University for the period prescribed by these By-Laws;
b. thereafter pursued the programme of study of the university as prescribed by these By-Laws, and other regulations and rules of the University;
c. satisfied the examiners of the MPhil or PhD by successfully completing a research and submitted and defended a thesis/dissertation on a topic approved by the senate;
d. paid such registration, tuition, supervision, and examination and other fees as may be payable by him/her to the University; and
e. fulfilled all other requirements prescribed by these By-Laws and the Regulations and Rules of the University.
1. Eligibility Requirement
1.1 Minimum admission requirement: MPhil
a. A Bachelor’s Honours degree of Level 6 with a minimum of 30 credits in the relevant field; or
b. A Bachelor’s Honours degree of Level 6 with a minimum of 30 credits in a related field and successful completion of a qualifying examination; or
c. A Bachelor’s degree of level 5 with a minimum GPA of 3 in the scale of 0-4 and successful completion of a qualifying examination which will be conducted after completion of 30 credits equivalent to SLQF 6 in the same or related field; or
d. A qualification of SLQF levels 7 or above in the relevant field; or
e. Completion of NVQ Level 7 with a minimum GPA of 3.0 in a scale of 0-4 and successful completion of a qualifying examination equivalent to SLQF level 6 or 7, as determined by the Senate of the University, may also be considered for admission to SLQF level 11 in that field of specialization; and
f. Good working knowledge of English is required, if the candidate wants to select English as the medium of instruction and they must satisfy the University that they have comprehensive competencies in the four English language skills, viz. Listening comprehension; speaking comprehension; and structure and written English.
1.2 Minimum admission requirements: PhD
a. A Master of Philosophy Degree; or
b. A Master’s Degree; or
c. A Bachelor’s Honours Degree of Level 6 with a minimum GPA of 3.0 at a scale of 0-4, with or without a qualifying examination as determined by the Senate of the University; or
d. A holder of Bachelor’s Degree Honours of Level 6 who has registered to follow a MPhil degree may be upgraded to PhD level after a minimum period of one year provided that his/her research competencies are of exceptional merit; or
e. A Bachelor’s Degree of level 5 with a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the scale of 0-4 and successful completion of a qualifying examination which will be conducted after completion of 30 credits equivalent to SLQF 6 in the same or related field and register to follow an MPhil degree may be upgraded to PhD level after a minimum period of one year provided that his/her research competencies are of exceptional merit; and
f. Good working knowledge of English is required, if the candidate wants to select English as the medium of instruction and they must satisfy the University that they have comprehensive competencies in the four English language skills, viz. Listening comprehension; speaking comprehension; and structure and written English.
1.3 Except where the FGS has given permission for direct registration for the PhD degree, each candidate shall initially register for an MPhil. Such a candidate shall not be examined for a PhD unless he/she has been upgraded in accordance with regulations specified in these By-Laws.
1.4 The FGS reserves the right to offer the candidature to any candidate applied for enrolment.
2. Admission Process
2.1 Under the general admission, prospective candidates can submit their applications at any time. However, the in-take for both programmes of study is twice a year which falls in February and September in each year.
2.2 Under the special admission, candidates who have already with approved research grants from any local or foreign grantor to follow a Research Higher Degree leading to MPhil or PhD can process their application at any time of the year.
2.3 Application for registration for the MPhil or PhD shall be invited by advertisement either in the printed/electronic media and/or FGS, SUSL web portal (
2.4 A person who wishes to become a candidate for the MPhil or PhD shall make an application by online.
2.5 The application shall be on the prescribed form (RD-01 Form) which provides the relevant information he/she may be required to submit, including his/her qualifications for undertaking the course of study. Admissions can be assessed with scanned documents but candidates are required to produce original documents at the time of registration.
2.6 Information required for application: Candidates are required to submit the following to the FGS as part of the application process:
2.6.1 A proposal of the intended MPhil or PhD research according to the given format by the FGS that explains the research problem and identification in the context of relevant literature which clearly demonstrates the objectives of the study and how these will add to academic knowledge/fill a gap/void/hiatus in academic understanding. Candidates should also include in this an outline of the methodology, they would employ to gather and analyse the data necessary for the completion of the research (PART A of RD-02 Form);
2.6.2 The procureability of funding to cover the cost of enrolling in the programme, and the costs associated with data collection, data analysis, laboratory expenses including hiring/purchasing of instruments and chemicals, should be included in the proposal as applicable (PART B of RD-02 Form);
2.6.3 An outline of the proposed timetable for completing the MPhil/PhD (PART C of RD-02 Form);
2.6.4 Two reference reports (at least one from a referee in the relevant discipline or both). As per the information provided by the applicant, the FGS will take steps to obtain reference reports from both referees (RD-03 Form);
2.6.5 Letter from the employer stating his/her consent for the candidate to follow the respective research degree either on a full-time or part-time basis;
2.6.6 The academic transcripts of degree(s) received and forwarded through the relevant institution;
2.6.7 Certified copy of the English translation of the Birth Certificate; and
2.6.8 Four (4) colour photographs of passport size on white background, if the candidate is permitted to enrol.
2.7 The FGS will assist the candidates to communicate with their potential supervisors. Alternatively, prospective candidates can propose name(s) of supervisor(s). The FGS will only consider the applications once both parties (supervisor and supervisee) have reached a mutual agreement on the proposed research area.
2.8 Application received by the FGS shall be referred to the Coordinator of the respective programme. The Coordinator, having examined the application for necessary initial qualifications, shall call the qualified candidates for an interview, on which selection may be made. A selection test may be held, if necessary, prior to the interview, if the number of applicants is in excess of the number of placements available in the given year. The final list of the candidates to be enrolled shall be recommended to the Senate for approval through the Board of Graduate Studies of the FGS by the respective Board of Study.
2.9 A placement letter will be issued to candidates by the Dean if the evaluation of the application and the proposal is successful.
3. Registration
3.1 Registration of new candidates: New candidates must register within the first two (02) weeks of the commencement of the semester by paying the relevant fees. Candidates who fail to register during this specified period without prior approval of the FGS shall be deemed to have rejected the offer. Except where the FGS has given permission for direct registration for the PhD degree, each candidate shall initially register for an MPhil. Such a candidate shall not be examined for a PhD unless he/she has been upgraded in accordance with regulations specified in these By-Laws.
3.2 The First Period of Registration: The effective or first period of registration is counted from the date of commencement of the course (hereafter referred to as first period of registration) corresponding to the initial registration. Any registration after the lapse of the first period of registration shall be extended.
3.3 Renewal of Registration: The registration for a research higher degree shall be deemed to have lapsed at the expiry of its period of validity of the first period of registration. A candidate, whose registration has so lapsed may re-new the registration for a further period, provided that FGS considers him/her as eligible for such extension for registration. This is subject to the levying of a fee.
3.4 Maintaining of Registration: It shall be obligatory for each candidate to renew the registration every semester until the completion of the programme of study and he/she must register within the first two (02) weeks of the commencement of every semester. Each candidate must use the prescribed form (RD-04 Form) to submit his/her application for renewal of registration together with the progress report of the semester under review duly endorsed by the principal supervisor. Candidates who do not register within the stipulated time without prior approval from the FGS to defer registration, are inclined to have their studies terminated.
3.5 Withdrawal from a Programme: A candidate wishing to withdraw from the programme for which he/she has been registered should do so in writing to the Dean. In case of such withdrawals, adjustments of fees and refunds, if any, will be made in accordance with the rules and regulations of the FGS.
3.6 Re-admission: A candidate who fails to maintain his/her registration shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the selected programme of study. If he/she wishes to re-enter the programme, he/she must apply for re- admission in accordance with the regulations applicable in force at that time. However, there is no guarantee of re-admission. The procedure for re- admission shall be the same as for initial registration, including the payment of all the prescribed fees.
3.7 Cancellation of Registration: A registration may be cancelled by the FGS on the recommendation of the relevant Board of Study for the following reasons: non-fulfilment of the assessment requirements, prolonged inactivity, non-completion within specific period allowed for MPhil and PhD programmes, non-payment of prescribed fees within the prescribed period, failure to submit progress reports, non-adherence to rules and regulations of the FGS and unsatisfactory academic progress.
3.8 Registration after Submission of Dissertation/Thesis: Candidates, who have submitted their dissertations/theses in the current semester of study, must register in the following semester but no fees will be charged until the examination of the dissertation/thesis is completed.
3.9 Concurrence Registration in other Institutions of Higher Learning: Candidates, who have registered in this University, whether on a full- time or part-time basis, will not be allowed to register for a programme of study in a similar level of study in another institution of higher learning, locally or overseas. Candidates, who register for a programme of study in another local or foreign institution of higher learning, would cause their candidature in this University terminated subject to non-refunding of the fees already being paid.
4. Period of Study
4.1 Master of Philosophy (MPhil)
4.1.1 The minimum period of full-time study is four (4) semesters which can be extended up to another two (2) semesters.
4.1.2 The minimum period of part-time study is six (6) semesters which can be extended up to another two (2) semesters.
4.1.3 The minimum period of full- part-time study is effective from the date of First Registration.
4.2 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
4.2.1The minimum period of full-time study is six (6) semesters which can be extended up to another four (4) semesters.
4.2.2 The minimum period of part-time study is nine (9) semesters which can be extended up to another four (4) semesters.
4.2.3 The minimum period of full- part-time study is effective from the date of First Registration.
4.3 Request for an Extension: A candidate may normally submit a request for extension of registration by the end of the penultimate semester of his/her First Period of Registration. An extension to the above period of study can be granted only on reasonable grounds but not exceeding two (2) semesters. If granted, no further extensions will be permitted, unless under exceptional circumstances.
5. Deferment of Study
5.1 Applicability of deferment: A programme must be followed continuously except by permission of the Dean, FGS. Candidates who want to defer their studies must apply in advance for permission to do so and provide the appropriate documentary evidence. Retrospective interruptions will not normally be approved. Where the FGS has permitted a candidate to defer his/her studies must pay a deferment fee. No registration or tuition fee will be applicable for the period of deferment.
5.2 Candidates who have registered: Candidates who have been accepted into a programme of study can opt to defer their registration by paying all the relevant fees and sending in a written application to the Dean (RD-12 Form). The period of deferment cannot exceed two (2) Semesters. The placement offered will be cancelled after this period, if the candidate is unable to continue his/her studies. Fees paid are non-refundable in such instances.
5.3 Candidates who have already started their studies: Candidates who have already started studies as graduate candidates can request to defer their programme of study by sending a written application providing reasonable grounds to the Dean (RD-05 Form). Deferment can be allowed for a period of not less than one (1) semester but not exceeding four (4) semesters during the entire duration of study. The period of deferment will not be computed as part of the period of study. Deferment will not normally be allowed within the first year of study effective from the initial registration.
5.4 Status after deferment: Candidates who have been allowed to defer their period of study will not be deemed as registered candidates of this University and as such, are not eligible to use any of the facilities accorded to registered candidates, except to seek advice on the recommencement of studies.
6. Payments
6.1 Payments at the time of registration: On acceptance of a candidate to register for a programme he/she shall forthwith pay the prescribed registration and/or tuition fees together with any other initial payments applicable to the respective programme, to the University in order to register for a research higher degree.
6.2 Payments during the candidature: All fees must be paid within stipulated times as applicable. Candidates who fail to pay the fees will be barred from registering for the programme in the next semester and can have their studies terminated. Additional fees must be paid by candidates who are required to make major corrections in their dissertations/theses, if the re-examination is required. The period allowed for re-submission in such cases are not less than three (03) months but not more than six (06) months after the viva. The candidates will need to request re-registration from the FGS.
7. Refund Policy
Type of fee | Within 30 Days from the Date of Initial Registration | After 30 Days from the Date of Initial Registration |
Application Processing Fee | Non-refundable | Non-refundable |
Registration Fee | 50 percent | Non-refundable |
Library Fee | 100 percent | Non-refundable |
Refundable Library Deposit | 100 percent | 100 percent |
Note: Fees applicable in examination matters, deferment, and extension of registration are non-refundable.
8. Supervision
8.1 Principal supervisor: Each candidate is entitled to get a principal supervisor assigned for guidance who has knowledge of the candidate's subject area and theoretical approach; is a permanent member of the academic staff and usually assigned for the duration of a student's programme; has no more than six primary supervisees. When a co- supervisor is appointed, the principal supervisor will bear the greater responsibility of supervising whilst the co-supervisor will assist the principal supervisor.
8.2 Additional supervision: Each candidate will normally have additional supervision in the form of co or joint supervision which includes supervision across Departments in the University or team supervision.
8.3 External supervision: In exceptional circumstances, external (to the University) supervision may be permitted. Such supervision will be undertaken by an academic staff member of another university or any other individual appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of the Board of Graduate Studies. The respective Board of Study determines such arrangements, and liaises with the FGS in making the appointments.
8.4 Availability of supervisors: Full-time candidates have the right to see their supervisor at least three times a term in the first year and twice a term thereafter. Part-time candidates have the right to see their supervisor at least twice a term in the first year and once a term thereafter.
8.5 Appointing supervisors and co-supervisors: The names of supervisors and co-supervisors will be approved by the Senate on the recommendation of the Board of Study and the Board of Graduate Studies respectively. The letter of appointment will be issued to supervisors and co-supervisors by the Dean after obtaining Senate approval.
8.6 Roles and responsibilities of the supervisor: It is the responsibility of the supervisor to guide the students on the path to excellence and inculcate in them the importance of ethical conduct as well as significance of student integrity, especially the need to abstain from unethical conduct in its varied forms ─ falsification, fabrication, failure to give credit and plagiarism. It also needs to be noted that research supervision is a specialist and intensive form of teaching. At the same time it recognises that the supervision of research is an advancing process where there is an incremental transition from teacher to facilitator. The supervisor should not only have regular meetings with students (individually as well as in a group) but should also maintain records of such meetings. Providing feedback to students is a principal task of the supervisor.
9. Changing of Supervisors
9.1 If the initial allocation of supervisor is found to be inappropriate or under exceptional and reasonable circumstances, the Dean may agree to change a supervisor on a request made by the candidate or the supervisor. However, a change of supervisor cannot be guaranteed, nor is it possible to guarantee the appointment of a particular academic as supervisor. However, the consent of the present supervisor should be taken (or the supervisor should be informed).
9.2 If for any reason the supervisor or the co-supervisor (if any) cannot fulfil their obligations, the Dean is bound to appoint another academic staff member as supervisor for a period deemed as appropriate.
10. Studying Away from the FGS
10.1 All candidates are required to be in regular attendance at the FGS for the purpose of attending courses, supervision and seminars specified by the respective programme. In exceptional circumstances the FGS may permit a student to reside outside Sri Lanka during his/her period of registration.
10.2 Candidates must submit progress reports periodically as required by FGS, even if they are studying outside the country.
11. Procedure for Upgrading to PhD
11.1 On the request of the candidate, the FGS will decide whether or not to upgrade a candidate from an MPhil to the PhD programme after a formal review.
11.2. The request for upgrading from an MPhil to PhD is possible in advance between 12-18 months ahead from the date of initial registration. For Part-time candidates, the request should be made between 24-30 months.
11.3 Transfer of registration must be recommended by the upgrade review panel set up by the FGS. This panel comprises the Dean (Chair) or a Senior Fellow appointed by the Dean, Dean of the respective Faculty, at least one external resource person who is an expert in the relevant field of study, at least one Senior Fellow of the respective Faculty and the Coordinator of the Programme.
11.4 The upgrading process starts with the formal request made by the candidate (RD-06 Form). The process of upgrading should include a self-assessment by the candidate supported by a report and recommendation by the principal supervisor and the co-supervisor (if any) on the candidate’s performance. This report must be submitted to the FGS in advance of the viva voce for upgrading using the prescribed form (RD-07 Form). This report will be assessed by an examiner, either internal or external appointed by the FGS.
11.5 Self-assessment should include a report, prepared in consultation with the supervisor(s) on work conducted so far and future plan for studies leading to the PhD. The length of this report should be of 8,000-10,000 words and it should cover the following components.
a. Introduction giving the context of the work
b. Research problem
c. Research questions and/or hypothesis(es)
d. Literature review
e. Methodology employed
f. A substantial piece of work to satisfy thesis objectives
g. Plan and timetable for the remainder of the work
h. References and Bibliography
i. Other information (if relevant)
j. Annexes (if required)
11.6 In addition, the candidate must provide a separate document with substantial evidence of past and present research experience and publications.
11.7 A viva voce examination is conducted by the upgrade panel to arrive at the final decision. The purpose of this examination is to assess the candidate’s progress and ability to complete his/her PhD programme within a reasonable time frame.
11.8 The upgrade panel should consider in the assessment the criteria given below. The assessment should not be confined only to the research material presented by the candidate but should also consider the candidate’s demonstrable academic and generic skills. A candidate should only be upgraded to PhD status if he/she meets the following criteria:
a. Commitment and resoluteness of purpose to pursuing research at FGS, SUSL leading to PhD degree;
b. Performs satisfactory progress in undertaking research;
c. Ability to formulate a viable hypothesis or research question that could be empirically tested or examined within the normal time frame of the PhD programme;
d. Possessing satisfactory technical and generic skills required for completing the PhD successfully;
e. Formulation of a viable plan for the research work; and
f. High language proficiency, both written and spoken.
11.9 The purpose of the viva voce examination is to ascertain, in conjunction with the candidate’s upgrade report, self-assessment report and the report by the principal supervisor, that the criteria (mentioned above) have been met. The viva voce examination also provides an opportunity for the candidate to discuss and defend his/her ideas.
11.10 A joint report on the outcome should be signed and submitted by the Chair of the upgrade panel to the Senate through the Board of Study and the Board of Graduate Studies respectively. This report should be copied to the candidate and supervisor(s). The candidate should also be given a written feedback on the outcome as soon as possible, after the viva voce examination.
11.11 Candidates may either be upgraded on the first attempt or, if unsuccessful, be referred for a second attempt within the time frame indicated above. Candidates who fail on the first attempt must be given specific written instructions to improve for the second attempt. In some instances, a candidate may be referred to resubmit the written work only, without the need for a second viva voce examination.
11.12 It is essential that at the very outset the candidate is familiarised with the potential outcomes of the process, including the procedure to be followed after a failure in the first attempt and the potential outcomes of failure at the second attempt. The following are the potential outcomes of the upgrade review process:
11.12.1 Potential outcomes of first attempt:
a. Candidate is recommended for upgrade to PhD status;
b. Candidate is referred to a specific date, with specific criteria to meet, for a second attempt without the need for a second viva; or
c. Candidate is referred to a specific date, with specific criteria to meet, for a second attempt with the need for a second viva.
11.12.2 Potential outcomes of second attempt:
a. Candidate is recommended for upgrade to PhD status;
b. Candidate is not recommended for upgrade and remains registered for the MPhil.
11.13 It should be made clear that a second failed attempt at upgrade will mean that the candidate will remain registered with an MPhil status. This may lead to the submission of a dissertation for the MPhil which must be done in accordance with these By-Laws. It is not the role of the upgrade panel to determine, at that stage, if the student’s work is appropriate for submission for the MPhil degree.
11.14 It is also not the role of the upgrade panel to consider action to deregister candidates who are deemed academically insufficient. Evidence from the upgrade process, however, may be used in subsequent academic insufficiency proceedings implemented by the FGS.
12. Plagiarism and Other Examination Offences
12.1 Candidates must make themselves familiar with the university regulations on student integrity ─ plagiarism and other examination offences.
12.2 The FGS reserves the right to submit any part of a dissertation/thesis to any plagiarism detected software or to take any other steps appropriate to identify plagiarism. The acceptable range of Similarity Index is up to 20 percent.
13. Research Ethics Clearance
13.1 A candidate must ensure his/her research acquiesces with the University research ethics policy. Thus, candidate must obtain clearance (prior to data collection by submitting a copy of the proposal including a description of data collection process and instruments using the form RD- 08 Form) formally from the University Research Ethics Committee and include such declaration in their dissertation/thesis.
14. Medium of Instruction, Examination and Communication
14.1 The medium of instruction and examination shall be either Sinhala or English. Tamil is for Tamil Language Studies only and the medium of all communication shall be English.
14.2 Once the medium of instruction and examination is selected candidates are required to undertake all the assessments under the same medium. Under no circumstances are they allowed to change.
15 Termination of Study
15.1 If a candidate obtains an unsatisfactory academic report or has violated the University rules and regulations or has not been able to complete studies within the given period of time, the Dean can make a recommendation to the Senate through the Board of Graduate Studies to have his/her study terminated.
Boards of Study and Areas of Concentration
16. Boards of Study of the Faculty of Graduate Studies
16.1 Board of Study of Agricultural Sciences
16.2 Board of Study of Computing and Information Systems
16.3 Board of Study of Geomatics
16.4 Board of Study of Humanities
16.5 Board of Study of Management
16.6 Board of Study of Physical & Natural Sciences
16.7 Board of Study of Social Sciences
16.8 Board of Study of Sports Science & Physical Education
17. Composition of the Board of Study
17.1 Each Board of Study is comprised of the minimum of five academic staff members from the relevant or related field including the following members: Chairperson; Secretary; and Coordinators of taught programmes and research higher degree programme.
18. Areas of Concentration
Board of Study | Area of Concentration |
Agricultural Sciences |
Agribusiness Management |
Computing & Information Systems | Computer Science Information Technology Software Engineering |
Geomatics | Geodesy Geographic Information Systems Hydrography Land Management Land Surveying Remote Sensing |
Humanities | English German Media Studies Sinhala Tamil |
Management | Environmental Management Finance Marketing Parks & Recreation Tourism |
Physical & Natural Sciences | Applied Physics Chemical Technology Conservation Biology Earth Sciences Environmental Sciences Food Science & Technology Physical Sciences |
Social Sciences | Biostatistics Business Economics Business Statistics Development Economics Development Studies Econometrics Environmental Economics Financial Economics Hazard & Disaster Management Human Resource Economics Land Use Planning Library & Information Science Medical Sociology Regional & Cultural Studies Regional Development & Planning |
Sports Science & Physical Education | Physical Education Sports Science |
18.1 Areas of concentration are subject to change depending on the availability of expertise in the University.
18.2 Prospective candidates are advised to consult the Chairperson or Secretary of their proposed enrolling Board of Study to discuss opportunities available for multidisciplinary studies.
Scheme of Evaluation and Completion of Study
19. General Conditions
19.1 A candidate may not be evaluated unless he/she has duly registered as an MPhil or PhD candidate as from the commencement of the academic year/semester as well as satisfied the requirements such as attendance at lectures, seminars, progress reviews etc. as prescribed by the FGS from time to time.
19.2 All rules relating to the examination procedure, offences and punishment, apply to, or in relation to, all assessments of the research degrees.
19.3 Rules relating to assignments/tests and the dissertation/thesis shall be announced with the concurrence of the Board of Study and Board of Graduate Studies, FGS from time to time. Such rules shall not be changed or revoked unless decided by the Boards of Study and the Board of Graduate Studies and approved by the Senate.
20. Research Proposal Submission and Proposal Defence
20.1Candidates are expected to work with their supervisors to prepare for the defence of the research proposal. This should be done within 12 months for full-time and 18 months for part-time candidates from the date of the first registration.
20.2 Once the proposal is ready for presentation, the candidate is required to complete the Intent to Submit Proposal form at least one (01) month in advance (RD-09 Form). This has to be submitted through the principal supervisor. The proposal is defended to obtain feedback from other academics.
20.3 The candidate can proceed with his/her research only after the Defence Panel is satisfied that the research fulfils the MPhil or PhD requirements and any changes are duly made in the proposal.
21. Reporting the Progress of the Research Work
21.1 Candidates will be evaluated every semester based on the progress of research work during each semester.
21.2 Confidential reports should be obtained from the supervisor by the candidate and forwarded to the Dean for each semester together with a self-evaluation report on the progress of the research work.
21.3 Candidates need to participate at the colloquia as follows:
21.3.1 MPhil programme: At least two (02) colloquia – The first, after completing the literature review and finalising the methodology and the second, to present initial findings of on-going research. (This is in addition to the proposal defence).
21.3.2 PhD programme: At least three (three) colloquia – The first, after completing literature review and finalising the methodology and the second, to present the progress of the data collection and the third to present initial findings of the research being carried out. This is in addition to the proposal defence.
21.4 The FGS may choose to hold annual progress review colloquia. This review must:
21.4.1 Include at least one member of the academic staff other than the supervisor, the Chairperson and the Coordinator of the respective programme;
21.4.2 Be based on an appropriate area of the candidate's research;
21.4.3 Include an opportunity for the candidate to defend his/her work/progress orally before the Review Panel;
21.4.4 Include a review of the candidate’s training and development needs.
21.4.5 Progress reviews may result in continued registration, with or without conditions, or termination of registration if the candidate performed poorly. The Dean will, if applicable, inform the candidate in writing of the outcome with the reasons for imposing conditions or terminating registration.
22. Permission to Write the Dissertation/Thesis
22.1 Once the proposal has been defended and the supervisor(s) is (are) satisfied that the candidate’s work fulfils the MPhil or PhD degree requirements, the candidate shall commence writing the dissertation/thesis.
22.2 Candidates should seek guidance from their supervisor(s) regarding the use of citation style for correct referencing and formatting guidelines as specified by the respective programmes (This information is available in the student guide book provided by the FGS on compiling supervised independent studies).
22.3 It should be noted that the process of finalising the dissertation/thesis is time-consuming since typically two or three draft versions need to be produced before it is in a form, ready for submission and examination.
23. Publication During the Candidature
23.1 Candidates are highly encouraged to publish in either indexed or peer reviewed journals during their candidature. At least a publication in a peer-reviewed journal is compulsory for PhD candidates while at least a conference participation is compulsory for MPill candidates.
23.2 Information regarding publication(s) and/or conference participation based on the research work being carried out must be included in the dissertation/thesis according to the guidelines.
24. Preparation of Submission of Dissertation/Thesis
24.1 The supervisor(s) is (are) responsible for advising and assisting the candidate to prepare for the submission of the dissertation/thesis. The supervisor(s) is (are) responsible for ensuring, within reasonable limits that the dissertation/thesis presented to the internal and external examiners is of an acceptable standard and quality for the degree sought. It is the shared responsibility of the candidate and as well as supervisor(s) to ensure that the thesis is written in correct scholarly/scientific language, that its language is free of errors in punctuation and typing, that it respects academic standards and any conventions, which are specific to the discipline. It is the candidate’s responsibility to prepare, assemble and distribute all materials in all the copies of the dissertation/thesis. The supervisor’s notification will also propose the names of three (03) examiners with appropriate biographical and contact information.
24.2 Candidate must inform the FGS through his/her principal supervisor three (03) months in advance regarding the dissertation/thesis submission. For this purpose candidates must produce the Request to Submit Dissertation/Thesis Form, duly filled to the FGS (RD-10 Form).
24.3 It is the candidate’s responsibility to deliver the required number of copies of the draft dissertation/thesis to the office of the Dean, FGS within the stipulated time. The candidate must provide five (5) hard copies with spiral (soft) binding, which will be given to the defence panel members including the examiners as well as the supervisor and a soft copy on a CD in MS Word doc or docx format.
24.4 A candidate cannot submit a dissertation/thesis that has already been submitted to the SUSL or any other university, but he/she can include any portion of the said dissertation/thesis by making appropriate reference to the usage of the said portion.
25. Research Degree Committee
25.1 The research degree committee has to supervise the work and progress of the candidate until the dissertation/thesis is deemed fit for assessment and examination. The supervisor and/or the co-supervisor or the thesis committee members will evaluate the dissertation/thesis and determine whether the candidate is ready to take the viva voce examination. This committee is comprised of the Dean (Chair), the Chairperson of the Board of Study, Dean of the respective Faculty, the Coordinator of the programme and the Principal Supervisor and/or Co-supervisor by invitation.
25.2 The Senate, on the recommendation of the Board of Graduate Studies FGS shall appoint a Board of Examiners to conduct the examination leading to the award of the MPhil or PhD.
25.3 The Board of Examiners shall comprise at least one (01) external examiner and one (01) internal examiner. The examiners should be from the same or relevant field of study in which the research has been conducted (or who are deemed suitable as decided by the University).
25.4 For candidates who are from the University staff, the members of the Board of Examiners shall comprise of two (2) external examiners appointed from other universities or institutions.
25.5 The external examiner for a candidate who is supervised by an internal supervisor and/or a co-supervisor, must be appointed from other universities or institutions whereas for candidates who are supervised by an external supervisor the external examiner can be appointed from this University or other universities or institutions.
26. The Viva Panel
26.1 The viva panel shall comprise the following members:
a. Dean, FGS (Chair);
b. Dean of the respective Faculty
c. Chairperson of the Board of Study;
d. Programme Coordinator;
e. Examiners; and
f. A Senior Fellow representing the relevant field
26.2 The principal supervisor and the co-supervisor shall attend the viva voce examination as observers. They may offer clarifications in the post- defence discussion.
27. Preparation for the Viva
27.1 It is the responsibility of the supervisor(s) and/or coordinator to inform the candidate in a timely manner of all requirements pertaining to the oral defence and to provide advice and support to the candidate in preparing for the viva voce.
27.2 For the viva all arrangements will be made by the FGS after receiving the formal request form the candidate and the copies of the draft. It is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure that all dues owed to the University have been fully settled.
27.3 If candidates need any special equipment or requirement for the defence, they should inform the FGS at least two weeks in advance. A whiteboard, a computer and a multimedia projector are available at all times in the viva room.
28. The Viva
28.1 The Chairman of the viva panel will invite the candidate to make an oral presentation, highlighting the major issues dealt within the research, the conclusions which have been reached, the significance of the findings, theoretical and managerial implications of the study.
28.2 This oral presentation session should not exceed 20 minutes. Only the oral presentation session will be open for the other research candidates and the Faculty staff.
28.3 All members of the examining committee are expected to ask probing questions on the methodology and the contents of the dissertation/thesis and/or the research field. Candidates should respond directly to the questions. They should not hesitate to make clarifications should they get the impression that a particular question is derived from misconceptions about the research material or the literature.
28.4 Unless the candidate indicates on the request form, the supervisor(s) will be invited to attend the viva voce examination as observer(s). The supervisor(s) do(es) not have the right to take part in the examination but may contribute if invited to do so by the examiners with the agreement of the candidate.
28.5 At the conclusion of the viva voce examination, the candidate will be asked to leave the room in order to allow the examiners to deliberate. The candidate will pass the viva examination if the majority of the viva panel members (including the person chairing) vote in favour of acceptance.
28.6 Candidates are only allowed to take the viva voce examination for his/her dissertation/thesis defence not more than two (2) times.
29. Recommendations of the Viva Panel
29.1 Outcome of the MPhil examination: The options open to examiners in determining the result of the examination are as follows:
a. Pass |
If the dissertation meets the criteria set out in these regulations and the candidate satisfies the examiners in the examination, they will recommend that the candidate be awarded the degree of MPhil. The dissertation may contain minor errors deemed by the examiners to have no academic impact. |
b. Conditional Pass with minor amendments |
If the dissertation meets the criteria but requires minor amendments and the candidate satisfies the examiners in the examination, they may require him/her to make amendments as specified. The examiners shall indicate the length of time permitted to the candidate to make the required amendments, which shall not be longer than three (03) months. The candidate must submit the amended dissertation to both examiners or one of their number nominated by the examiners for confirmation that the amendments are satisfactory. |
c. Conditional Pass with major amendments | If the dissertation, though inadequate, seems to indicate sufficient merit in it to justify such action, the examiners may allow the candidate to re-present it in a revised form. In such circumstances, they will indicate the length of time they consider he/she will need to complete the revisions, which shall be between three (03) and six (6) months. Examiners may not, however, make such a decision without having submitted the candidate to an oral examination. The examiners may at their discretion exempt the candidate from a further oral examination |
d. Re-viva required |
If the dissertation does not meet the criteria and the candidate fails to satisfy the examiners at the oral examination, they may allow him/her to re-present the same thesis, and undergo a further oral examination within a period specified by them, not exceeding six (06) months |
e. Fail | The examiners may determine that the candidate has not satisfied them in the examination for the MPhil degree. They will not, however, other than in very exceptional circumstances, make such a decision without submitting the candidate to an oral examination. |
29.2 Outcome of the PhD examination: The options open to examiners in determining the result of the examination are as follows:
a. Pass |
If the thesis the criteria set out in these regulations and the candidate satisfies the examiners in the oral examination, they will recommend that the candidate be awarded the PhD degree. The thesis may contain minor errors deemed by the examiners to have no academic impact. |
b. Conditional Pass with minor amendments |
If the thesis meets the criteria, but requires minor amendments and if the candidate satisfies the examiners in the oral examination, they may require him/her to make amendments as specified. The examiners shall indicate the length of time permitted to the candidate to make the required amendments, which shall not be longer than six months. The candidate must submit the amended thesis to both examiners or to one of them nominated by the examiners for confirmation that the amendments are satisfactory. |
c. Conditional Pass with major amendments |
If the thesis, though inadequate, seems to show sufficient merit to justify such action, the examiners may allow the candidate to re-present it in a revised form for re-examination. They will indicate the length of time that they consider he/she will need to complete the revisions, which shall be between three (03) and six (06) months. Examiners may not, however, take such a decision without making the candidate to submit himself/herself to an oral examination. The examiners may at their discretion exempt the candidate from a further oral examination. |
d. Re-viva required | If the thesis, though inadequate, seems to show sufficient merit to justify such action, the examiners may allow the candidate to re-present it in a revised form for re-examination and administer a further oral examination. They will indicate the length of time they consider he/she will need to complete the revisions, which shall be between six (06) and twelve (12) months. Examiners may not, however, take such a decision without having submitted the candidate to an oral examination. The examiners may at their discretion exempt the candidate from a further oral examination. |
e. Fail |
Candidate fails, if the thesis does not meet the criteria and also does not satisfy the examiners at the oral examination. |
f. Consider for a lesser degree | If, after completion of the oral examination or re-examination for the PhD, the examiners decide that a candidate has not reached the standard required under regulations they will consider whether the thesis warrants or might be able to, satisfy the criteria for the award of the MPhil degree. If they so decide, they will submit a report showing to the effect that how the criteria for the MPhil degree are met or what action the candidate needs to take to meet them. Examiners will have the discretion to waive the length of the dissertation for the MPhil degree if appropriate. Thereafter, the following conditions and procedures shall apply: |
29.3 The candidate will be informed that that he/she has been unsuccessful in the examination for the PhD degree, but has reached the standard required for the award of the MPhil, or with amendments to the thesis may be able to satisfy the criteria for the MPhil.
29.4 A candidate considered for the award of the MPhil degree under 29.3 above, will not be required to submit the thesis, as required under the regulations for the PhD degree, or to undergo a further viva voce examination, but will be required to fulfil the requirements for the MPhil in all other respects including reformatting the whole document according to the MPhil dissertation writing guidelines.
29.5 A candidate offered an MPhil degree under these regulations must make any amendments specified by the examiners within a given period but not exceeding six (06) months. The candidate must submit the amended dissertation to the examiners who shall decide whether he/she has completed the amendments to their satisfaction.
29.6 The examiners may determine that the candidate has not satisfied them in the examination for either the MPhil or the PhD. They will not, however, save in very exceptional circumstances, make such a decision without submitting the candidate to a viva voce examination.
29.7 Candidates have the right of appeal against a decision taken under regulations in accordance with the Appeals Regulations for Research Candidates.
30. Final Submission of Dissertation/Thesis
30.1 It is the responsibility of the candidate to make all revisions and corrections of the dissertation/thesis required by the examining committee. The supervisor(s) is (are) expected to advise the candidate in making these changes and to ensure that verifications have been made. It is also the responsibility of the supervisor(s) to ensure that, on behalf of the examining committee, that they deem the changes effected to be complete and appropriate.
30.2 Once the candidate amends his/her thesis/dissertation according to the comments of the examination committee (after completing the viva voce examination), he/she has to submit a revised copy with the recommendation of the supervisor to the FGS.
30.3 If examiners are responsible for checking the corrections, they must provide an official letter stating their satisfaction with the corrections made.
30.4 A candidate who has received approval for all the changes required by the examining committee must follow the FGS regulations and procedures applicable of compiling supervised independent studies.
30.5 After obtaining the approval for final submission, a candidate must submit two (2) hard bound copies of the dissertation/thesis and one soft copy on a CD in MS Word doc or docx format within thirty (30) days after the dissertation/thesis has been approved, to the FGS. Candidate must prepare additional bound copies to be kept for themselves and their supervisor(s) if required.
30.6 To publish an approved dissertation/thesis, or any portion thereof, the candidate must obtain prior approval from the FGS and indicate clearly that the said dissertation/thesis was submitted to the FGS, SUSL as a fulfilment of a programme of study.
30.7 With the approval of the Dean, a candidate can use any portion of his/her dissertation/thesis for the purpose of any academic publication during his/her candidature, subject to appropriate acknowledgement being made in the said publication.
30.8 The University reserves the right to use an approved dissertation/thesis or for teaching and research purposes.
30.9 A candidate can apply to the FGS to obtain a moratorium on the use of the dissertation/thesis for a certain period of time before being allowed to be used by other parties. However, the FGS reserves the right to reverse this decision.
30.10 In addition, the FGS shall offer courses especially to improve soft skills of the candidates covering the fields such as:
30.10.1 Academic/scientific writing, research methodology (for both science and non-science fields).
30.10.2 Data handling, management, interpretation, and presentation.
30.10.3 Ethical issues in research.
30.11 Attendance for the courses mentioned under 30.10 is compulsory and 80 percent rule is apply.
31. Awarding of Degree
31.1 In order to be awarded a degree, a candidate must fulfil the following requirements:
a. Pass all the evaluation prescribed by these By-Laws and the programme of study;
b. Fulfil all requirements of the FGS and the University;
c. Complete the publication requirements/conference participation (if any) with respect to the programme; d. Must have presented and defended the thesis/dissertation successfully; and e. Settle all due fees owing to the University.
32. Effective Date of the Degree
32.1 The date of submission- if the candidate passed the viva voce examination without or with minor amendments to the dissertation/thesis.
32.2 The date of re-submission- if the candidate passed the viva with major amendments to the thesis/dissertation.
32.3 The date of second viva- if the candidate passed the viva voce examination at the second attempt.
33. Convocation
33.1 A list of the candidates who have successfully completed all of the requirements for a particular degree is presented to the Senate by the FGS in preparation for the convocation.
33.2 Deadlines are set in order to complete the requirements for the convocation. All candidates wishing to receive their degrees after fulfilling all requirements must fill in all the appropriate forms (available in the Examination Branch) in order to graduate.
33.3 It is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure that all outstanding fees and other obligations to the University are settled. The University cannot allow a candidate to attend the convocation if fees are unsettled. The FGS on its part will ensure that all relevant forms are completed and regulations are followed in a timely manner.
33.4 Candidate should also consult the Examination Branch on regulations governing the type of academic gown to be worn.
34. Revocation of Award
34.1 The Council on the recommendation of the Senate and the Board of Graduate Studies may revoke an award made under these regulations as permitted by the By-Laws and Regulations of the FGS and the University.
In these By-Laws unless the context otherwise requires “University” or "SUSL" means the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka “Council” means the Council of the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka constituted under the Universities Act.
No.16 of 1978 as amended by Act No. 07 of 1985.
“Senate” means the Senate of the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka constituted under the Universities Act. No.16 of 1978 as amended by Act No. 07 of 1985.
“Faculty” or "FGS" means the Faculty of Graduate Studies of the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka established under the Graduate Studies Ordinance No. 3 of 1987.
“Vice Chancellor” means the Vice Chancellor or Acting Vice Chancellor of the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.
“Dean” means the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies or the Acting Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies of the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.
“Registrar” means the Registrar, the Acting Registrar, Deputy Registrar, or any other officer authorized to sign for and on behalf of the Registrar of the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.
Please contact the Chairperson of the respective Board of Study
The induction programme has been designed for Research Higher Degree (RHD) Candidates and will be conducted twice a year after each intake of candidates. The objective of this induction programme is to offer an opportunity for candidates to improve their research and library skills, their awareness of other facilities and services available for postgraduate studies, the learning policies and procedures for RHDs, and to meet other RHD candidates. The programme is comprised of the following:
- RHD policies and procedures, students responsibilities and entitlements;
- Research proposal development;
- Philosophical foundation of research;
- Resources for conducting and writing research;
- Conducting a literature review;
- Research designs;
- Academic writing; and
- Research ethics
- It is compulsory for all commencing RHD candidates to complete this induction programme within the first six months of candidature;
- In order to have their attendance recorded they must be present for the entirety of the session(s). Recorded attendance is required to complete the induction programme;
- The programme will be conducted during weekends.
Category | Amount (LKR) |
Application and Preliminary Proposal Defense Fee | 10,000.00 |
Course Fee* PHD: for Minimum Duration-03 Years MPhil: for Minimum Duration-02 Years |
350,000.00 250,000.00 |
Annual Renewal Fee (beyond the minimum durarion) | 20,000.00 |
Library Fee (non refundable) | 10,000.00 |
* Minimum duration is 03 years for PhD and 02 years for MPhil. The first installment - Rs. 150,000.00 at the beginning of first academic year and settle Rs. 100,000.00 respectively at the beginning of second and third academic years |
Sponsored students must submit a sponsorship letter upon registration. The letter must clearly state the type of fees covered (such as registration, examination, library, and so on).
Other Fees Applicable
Category | Amount (LKR) |
Thesis Re-examination Fee | 30,000.00 |
Upgrading MPhil to PhD per Attempt | 30,000.00 |
Research Proposal Re-examination | 20,000.00 |
Deferment Fee | 20,000.00 |
Bench Fee: A bench fee will be included for programmes that require laboratory facilities. When applying for enrolment candidates must clearly state the applicable bench fee, along with information as to how they are planning to finance this.
International Student Bond: In addition to the above fees, international students must pay a bond (non-recurring fee). This is presently set at LKR 100,000.00 for students from SAARC countries and LKR 150,000.00 for students from other countries. After completion of study this fee will be refunded to the student.
Registration fee applicable to international students covers a medical insurance, welfare, sports and recreational facilities of the university.
Refund Policy
Fees are subject to refund when a student request for the termination of study is approved by FGS-SUSL and the Senate. The types of fees and the percentage of refund are available from FGS-SUSL.
Type of Fee | Within 30 Days from the Date of Registration | After 30 Days from the Date of Registration |
Application Processing Fee | Non-refundable | Non-refundable |
Registration Fee | 50 percent | Non-refundable |
Library Fee | 100 percent | Non-refundable |
Refundable Library Deposit | 100 percent | 100 percent |
If you have any queries concerning the application process, please contact the Chairperson of the respective board of study you are applying for.
Board of Study | Chairperson | Contacts |
Agricultural Sciences | Prof. Mohamad Esham | |
Computing | Prof. B T G S Kumara | |
Geomatics | Dr. H Divithure | |
Humanities | Dr. N S D Paranavitana | |
Indigenous Knowledge and Community Studies | Dr. W M J Welgama | |
Management | Prof. D A I Dayaratne | |
Physical & Natural Sciences | Dr. E P N Udayakumara | |
Social Sciences | Dr. Sumadi Samaraweera | |
Sports Science & Physical Education | Dr. S Joniton | |
Technology | Prof. K R Koswattage | |