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Department of Software Engineering


The Department of Software Engineering (DSE) at the Faculty of Computing, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka was established in 2022 by introducing BScHons Degree Programme in Software Engineering for the academic year 2019/2020. The mission of the DSE is to create professionals who can develop high-quality, cutting-edge, and cost-effective software systems. The internal academic staff comprises senior lecturers, lecturers who graduated from well-known national and international universities are specialized in core areas of software engineering.

The DSE offers a comprehensive undergraduate curriculum that prepares students to be industry leaders in Software Engineering and it is committed to producing professional Software Engineers carrying strong analytical and development skills necessary to meet the challenges of real life and play their role in building up the National Economy. The Department provides a forward-thinking approach in an inclusive environment that encourages students to become pioneers in the field by developing in-depth knowledge through the hands-on design of innovative products. As real-world construction of complex software systems is done by engineering teams, our curriculum focuses on team-based activities with an emphasis on collaboration and the design process. Students receive mentorship to become world-class engineers and to conduct world-class research by closely collaborating with both faculty and industry.

The DSE will engage with the industry to provide consultancy and other services, and to benefit from the industry's experience for teaching and learning. This collaboration will be fruitful for both the Department and the ICT/BPM industry of Sri Lanka. Industry-sponsored laboratories will be established to solve problems posed by the industry, using the expertise and other resources available at the Department. In this process, the Department and students immensely benefit due to the industry know-how. The DSE also will look for opportunities to create postgraduate collaborations projects to support the production of more doctoral graduates and research. Thus, the DSE can enable the SUSL to play a vital role in contributing to the nation's requirements in the ICT workforce as a state university.