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Faculty History

The History of the Faculty of Management studies


The Faculty of Management Studies commenced its programmes of study offering a three-year degree in September 1996. After the completion of the foundation year and two specialization years, a degree in Bachelor of Science could be obtained in Financial Management, Business Management, Marketing Management, and Tourism Management. Six batches of students obtained their B.Sc. Business Studies Degrees in Financial Management, Business Management, Marketing Management, and Tourism Management and passed out in the years 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002.

The name of the faculty (Faculty of Business Studies) was changed as the Faculty of Management Studies with the approval of the University Grants Commission (UGC) in 2003. The duration of the degree Programmes, conducted by the Faculty of Business Studies also was changed from three years to four years with the approval of the UGC in 2003.


Present Situation


The Faculty of Management Studies comprises four departments; Department of Accountancy & Finance, Department of Business Management, Department of Marketing Management and Department of Tourism Management. The Faculty offers BSc Honours Degree Programmes in Financial Management, Banking & Insurance, Business Management, Marketing Management, EcoBusiness Management, Tourism Management and Hospitality Management under each department respectively for the students who gain direct entry to the Faculty on the basis of their performance at the GCE (Advanced Level) Examination. Presently the student allocation for each degree programme is done through the Faculty according to the students’ preference and z-score at the beginning of the degree programme.

Specialization programmes start in the first year itself with the new curriculum but there are common subjects that are taught together. The programmes run for four years with eight semesters. Students should fulfill the four months Industrial Training and Project Report or Thesis in the Fourth Year Second Semester for which six credits have been allocated. The total number of credits is above 120 for each degree programme.

The Faculty seeks the services of Sri Lankan academics and eminent personnel from the industry and foreign academics from Britain, the USA, Australia, Japan, Belgium, India and Malaysia to serve the Faculty from time to time.