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Food Science and Technology


The Department has the basic facilities to conduct laboratory experiments and provide practical training in the major focus areas in food science & technology.

The department currently consists of 6 laboratories.

1. Food Analysis Laboratory.

Equipped with basic instruments/apparatus needed for chemical analysis of food items and raw materials.

2. Food Microbiology and Biotechnoogy Laboratory.

Consists of basic chemicals/ media, instruments/apparatus and facilities needed for microbial analysis and basic biotechnology experiments (PCR, Gel-electropherosis, Gel documentation).

3. Food Processing Laboratory.

Consists of the basic equipment/apparatus that facilitate the familiarization with basic processing technologies of the fruits, vegetables, cereals/grains/pulses, root and tuber crops, nuts and seeds and product development and evaluations can be carried out for bakery products, sugar and confectionery items, preserves and other edibles.

4. Meat, Egg & Aquatic Food Processing Technology Laboratory.

Consists of equipment/apparatus needed for processing and testing of meat, egg and aquatic food products.

5. Dairy processing laboratory.

Consists of equipment/apparatus that facilitate production and testing of dairy food products.

6. Instrumental Laboratory. 

Consists of basic and advanced instruments for physicochemical and rheological characterization of food (texture analyzer, viscometer).


Development of the following laboratories is in progress.

1. Sensory Analysis Laboratory & Experimental Kitchen.

2. Aquatic Food Processing Laboratory.

3. Pilot Plant.