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The Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka has three Libraries Namely Central Library, Agricultural Sciences Library, and Management Library. The Library of Faculty of Agricultural Sciences has established within the Faculty premises and holds more than 23,000 books. This collection has divided into three sections namely Permanent Reference, Reference, and Lending. The subject coverage of the collection is mainly Agriculture and Agriculture related areas and Food Science and Food Business Management. In addition Economics, Management, Education, Physics, Mathematics and Statistics, Chemistry, Biology, Zoology Computer Science, and general reading materials such as Sinhala and English fictions are widely available at the faculty library.

The library has also subscribed to some Agriculture and Agriculture related Journals such as Animal Husbandry, Livestock, Forestry, and Environmental Science, Food Science and Technology, General Science, Management and Economics, other Magazines, and daily and weekly National News Papers in Sinhala, Tamil, and English. In addition, the library provides some online journal databases such as Emerald,, Oxford University Press. Science these databases contain full-text articles, book chapters, the users can search them through any computer connected to the University network to browse, read, and download them.

Project report and thesis collection of the library has increased up to 2,000 while the collection of CDs and DVDs up to 350. The past papers collection contains past papers from 1998 to date.

Opening Hours

The reference section of the Library is opened from Monday to Friday from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm and Saturdays from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm. The lending section is opened from Monday to Friday from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm.

These opening hours are subject to change during the period of examination and other special events. The library is usually closed on poyadays and public holidays.

Reference Sections

The reference section of the faculty library provides 120 seating capacity for reference.        


The reference books of the library can borrow for overnight and lending books for two weeks. The Permanent Reference books and serial publication housed in the library cannot borrow.

A message from the Deputy Librarian

Comparatively, the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka is a young university among most other state-owned universities in the country. Same as other sectors of the university, the library system is a past growing fragment. The library system of the university consists of three libraries namely Main Library, Agriculture Library, and Management Library. Amongst these libraries, Agricultural Library is distinct from others in terms of collection, services and functions. The collection of the library mainly consists of Agriculture and related subjects in scientific and technological fields. In here the collection means printed and electronic materials including books and journals. Apart from these materials, we are providing newspapers, magazines, thesis, CDs, DVDs etc. for your teaching-learning, research, and for general reading.

addition to the availability of good collection, the library provides most outstanding and modern services and training for you by keeping vision and mission of the faculty in mind. The services, sources and training provided by the library help you to increase your knowledge and skills that ultimately help you to become critical thinkers and lifelong learners. The main purpose of the library is to function as an institution which encourages and trains you to become enthusiastic learners, proficient teachers and ground breaking researchers.

On behalf of faculty library staff, I warmly welcome our university community to make use of our faculty library though your intention is learning, teaching, research or general reading because our main goal is to provide more and more user oriented and timely library services, sources and training for your convenience.

E-learning Center

The E-learning Center attached to the library provides fifteen computers to be used by students for e-learning and literature searching.
The OPAC located at the entrance of the library is for library database searching. The automated library system of the library functions for automated transactions.

Among different services of the library photocopy service, newspaper clipping service and interlibrary loan are major. In addition, the library works as a training provider for Library and Information Science students.
Through this service students who are learning in different institutions are allowed to get the formal train in the library while the students of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences are getting library and information
skills through different programs.

Dr. Lalith Wickramanayake

Deputy Librarian


Mrs. D. M. Nillegoda

Staff Assistant / Library Services

Mr. P. H. S. W. Karunarathne

Library Information Assistant Grade II

Mrs. P. R. Siriyalatha

Library Information Assistant Grade III

Mrs. M. G. K. Marthotagama

Library Attendent Grade I

Mr. K. G. Madduma Bandara

Library Attendent Grade II

Mrs. T. Kalyani

Library Attendent Grade II