
University Business Linkage Cell

Licence Agreement Template: Grants the company exclusive/non-exclusive rights for a period of time to use SUSL technology under the specific terms and conditions.

Non-Disclosure Agreement Template: A non-disclosure agreement is a legally binding contract that establishes a confidential relationship signed between parties agreeing that sensitive information they may obtain will not be made available to any other.

Memorandum of Understating Template for commercialization purposes: A memorandum of understanding is an agreement between two or more parties outlining the willingness of the parties to move forward with a contract to establish the terms and conditions under which the Company and the University will meet and function in evaluating the viability of the Products and Business Proposition.

Research Agreement Template: Research Agreement is a legally binding agreement that governs collaborative research between the University and external organisations, whether those organisations are funding the research or are participating in conducting the research itself under the specific terms and conditions agreed by the both parties.