Office of the Dean
Message of the Dean
It is with a new sense of adventure and anticipation that I welcome you to the Faulty of Social Sciences and Languages of Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. We look forward to working with you in the Faculty as you discover new possibilities for your future. Entrance to a University, as I strongly believe, is a rite of passage and a powerful growth experience you will ever have.
The Faculty of Social Sciences and Languages, being one of the leading Faculties in the university system in Sri Lanka, prepares students for professional careers, by providing them with a broad understanding of the humanistic tradition in combination with a sound knowledge of subjects in several disciplines. Our program emphasizes the ability to apply this knowledge in the contemporary world of work. We strive to develop students' capacity for independent and critical thought, logical analysis, effective communication and informed participation in teamwork. Therefore, the Bachelor of Arts program integrates classroom work and students' independent reading and writing with hands-on research and project works.
The whole teaching learning process of the faculty provides students with an intellectual orientation that enables them to make connections across disciplines and to think creatively and coherently, as well as the disposition to develop initiative and imagination in a systematic fashion. We strive to produce a graduate who is flexible, self-confident and innovative thus empowered to meet the challenges of the future.
Best wishes for the future endeavors of you!
Dr. Sampath Fernando
B.Sc. (Special) in Statistics (USJ),MPhil in Statistics (Pdn), PhD in Statistics (University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Phone: +94(0)45 2280021
Contact Us
Dr. Sampath Fernando
Faculty of Social Sciences and Languages,
Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka,
P.O. Box 02, Belihuloya 70140,
Sri Lanka.
Dean office
Faculty of Social Sciences and Languages,
Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka,
P.O. Box 02, Belihuloya 70140,
Sri Lanka.
Tel: (+94 )45-2280021