Authors who wish to publish their research, review papers, directed study, independent study and mini project report at the symposium under following themes, must submit the abstracts according to the guidelines given.
Please refer to the sample abstract template
The submitted abstracts will be reviewed by a panel of experts in the relevant fields and the decision about the acceptance/ rejection/ acceptance with changes will be notified to the authors. If the reviewers decision is ‘acceptance with changes’, you have to do the changes mentioned in the reviewer’s comments and make the camera ready copy.
If your paper is accepted, submit the camera ready copy after addressing the comments of the reviewers. The acceptance of the work ensures that the work will be presented at the conference.
Please refer to the Sample Camera-Ready Abstract Template
Author Declaration Form : Author Declaration Form
If your paper is accepted, at least one author of the paper has to register as an author for the APSURS 2023.
Click here to register.
After being registered as an author, you would be notified the date, time, venue and the session on which you have to present your paper. On the day of your presentation, you must attend the appropriate session for which you have been informed and present your paper when it is your turn. If the work involves more than one author, we expect the presence of at least one author at the symposium.
Authors who are expecting to submit a full paper of the abstract to the special volume of the Applied Faculty Journal need to mention it during the abstract submission stage. The reviewers may decide the suitability of the abstract for calling the full paper by evaluating the content and the quality of the abstract and subsequently authors are requested to submit the full paper. All full papers received are subjected to double blind reviewing process and selected papers will be published in the special volume of the Applied Faculty Journal.