Bachelor of Arts General (External) Degree Programme
The Bachelor of Arts General (External) Degree Programme offered by the Faculty of Social Sciences and Languages at Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka provides an opportunity for individuals to pursue higher education in the field of arts. This programme is designed to cater to a diverse group of learners by integrating flexibility with academic rigor, making it an ideal choice for those seeking professional growth or personal enrichment in the arts.
The Centre for Open and Distance Learning (CODL), located at No. 02, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Belihuloya, plays a pivotal role in overseeing all aspects of the programme. This includes candidate registration, coordinating academic activities, and conducting lectures via a modern online platform. This comprehensive approach ensures that students can access quality education regardless of their geographical location, equipping them with the skills and knowledge required to excel in their academic and professional endeavours.
Intended Learning Outcomes: BA General (External) Degree Programme
Upon successful completion of the BA General (External) Degree Programme, graduates are expected to:
· Develop Core Knowledge in Humanities and Social Sciences
Acquire foundational and advanced knowledge in various disciplines of humanities and social sciences, enabling them to analyze, interpret, and critique concepts, theories, and practices in these fields.
· Enhance Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills
Demonstrate the ability to think critically and apply analytical reasoning to solve complex problems, evaluate ideas, and make informed decisions in academic and practical contexts.
· Strengthen Communication and Language Proficiency
Exhibit strong verbal and written communication skills, with the ability to express ideas clearly and effectively in academic, professional, and social settings.
· Foster Interdisciplinary Understanding
Integrate knowledge from multiple disciplines to approach societal, cultural, and global challenges with a well-rounded perspective, fostering innovative solutions and adaptability.
· Cultivate Research and Inquiry Skills
Demonstrate the ability to conduct research, formulate hypotheses, collect and analyze data, and present findings systematically, contributing to academic and professional knowledge.
· Apply Ethical and Social Responsibility
Understand and practice ethical principles in personal and professional life while engaging in community service and contributing to societal development.
· Adapt to the Digital and Online Learning Environment
Exhibit proficiency in using digital tools and online platforms for effective learning, collaboration, and professional development, preparing for a technologically-driven world.
· Prepare for Lifelong Learning and Career Growth
Embrace lifelong learning habits, enhancing employability and career prospects while contributing meaningfully to national development and global initiatives.
· Promote Cultural Sensitivity and Inclusiveness
Develop an appreciation for cultural diversity and inclusivity, fostering respect and understanding in multicultural environments.
· Contribute to Nation-Building and Global Citizenship
Utilize the skills and knowledge acquired through the programme to actively participate in community development, nation-building, and addressing global challenges with a sense of responsibility and purpose.
• Three passes in G.C.E. Advanced Level in any stream (Old Syllabus)
• Three passes in G.C.E. Advanced Level in any stream (New Syallabus)
• Minimum of 5-year experience in an Educational, Administration and managerial role in government or private sector
• Any other qualification acceptable to the Senate of the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka may be considered for eligibility to be enrolled in a study programme and such alternative criteria will be adopted only with the concurrence of UGC. Should have passed at least three subjects including a Language subject in one sitting at the G.C.E A/L examination. (At least 30 marks should have been obtained at the General Common Test).
• University will give the priority for the students who are successfully completed any certificate or diploma programme conducted by the CODL, SUSL and quota will be consisted 15% of the total intake.
1. Selection Criteria:
Applicants are short-listed depending on the number of applications received and will be called for an interview for the final selection.
1. Procedure of Registration
Candidates who meet the specified educational qualifications are registered for the Bachelor of Arts General (External) Examination each year, following the invitation of applications through a newspaper advertisement and the university's website. Candidates are strictly instructed to apply only using the forms issued by the Centre for Open and Distance Learning (CODL) of Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, which can be downloaded from the university's website. It is the candidates' responsibility to obtain the relevant applications in a timely manner. The qualifications mentioned will be considered sequentially to determine the number of students registered annually. The final authority to decide the number of students admitted to the course rests with the Senate of the university.
Medium of Study
The External Degree Programme is offered in Sinhala except English and Chinese.
2. Bachelor of Arts General (External) Degree Programme Fees
Amount payable for the Bachelor of Arts General (External) Degree Examination I.
Fees for Details and Application
Registration Fee
Rs. 5000/-
1st Installment
(beginning of the Ist Year Ist Semester)
Rs. 40,000/-
2nd Installment
(beginning of the Ist Year IInd Semester)
Rs. 40,000/-
3rd Installment
(beginning of the IInd Year Ist Semester)
Rs. 40,000/-
4th Installment
(beginning of the IInd Year IInd Semester)
Rs. 40,000/-
5th Installment
(beginning of the IIIrd Year Ist Semester)
Rs. 40,000/-
6th Installment
(beginning of the IIIrd Year IInd Semester)
Rs. 40,000/-
Total Amount Payable
Account No. 002246875 of the “Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.” The applicant's name, address, NIC number, and the name of the degree course should be correctly indicated in the payment. The bank receipt must be sent along with the application.
Applications should be sent to:
Senior Assistant Registrar,
Center for Open and Distance Learning,
Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka,
P.O.02, Belihuloya 70140
+94 452280179
For further information:
Mrs. Lareena Abdul Haq,
Course Coordinator,
Faculty of Social Sciences and Languages.
+94 777372977
Subjects prescribed for the Bachelor of Arts (General) External Degree Programme
• Sinhala
• English
• Chinese
• Economics
• Statistics
• Geography
• IT
• Library Science
• Political Science
• Sociology
Course Criteria
1. Foundation Courses (FC)
EFBM & ST 001 Basic Mathematics and Statistics
EFEN 001 English Language Level 1(UTEL 3)
EFIT 001 Computer Fundamental Level 1 (Introduction to Information Technology)
EFEN 002 English Language Level 2(UTEL 04)
EFIT 002 Computer Fundamental Level 2 (Basic Computer Applications- MS Office Package)
EFEN 003 English Language level 3 (UTEL 5)
EFIT 003 Computer Fundamental Level 3 (Probability and Statistics)
EFWBT 001 Internship
2. Professional Skills Related Courses (PSRC)
EPSRC 001 Fundamentals Economics
EPSRC 002 Soft Skills and Personality Development
EPSRC 003 Introduction to Human Resource Management
EPSRC 004 Small Scale Business Management
EPSRC 005 Fundamentals in Management
3. Core Courses (CC)
Course Units under main Subjects
These Foundation Courses and Professional Skills Related Courses support to Core Courses and increase soft skills of the students and thereby the employability rate of them will be increased.
Course Units under main Subjects
These Foundation Courses and Professional Skills Related Courses support to Core Courses and increase soft skills of the students and thereby the employability rate of them will be increased.
New programme delivery and learner support services will be provided.
New programme includes semester system, e- learning for knowledge sharing, new methods of open and distance learning.
*Note: All students should follow a non-GP with 3-credit compulsory internship within 300 hours (around three months) during the III year II semester on weekday basis.
New student assessment and evaluation criteria will be implemented.
Continuous Assessments - 40 Marks –
Extensive oral examination, open book examination, MCQ, structured questions, case studies, essays, creating a poster or info graphic, video presentation, narrated power point presentation, projects, timed online exams, take home exam, team based assessments
End-Semester Examination- 60 Marks (Written Examination)
Selection of Subjects
1st Basket |
2nd Basket |
3rd Basket (Compulsory) |
Political Science |
Library Science |
English Language Level 1 (FC) |
Sociology |
IT |
English Language Level 2(FC) |
Chinese |
Economics |
English Language Level 3(FC) |
Geography |
English |
Computer 1(FC) |
Fundamental Level |
Statistics |
Sinhala |
Computer 2(FC) |
Fundamental Level |
Chinese |
Computer 3(FC) |
Fundamental Level |
Basic Mathematics & Statistics(FC) |
Fundamentals Economics (PSRC) |
Fundamentals in Management (PSRC) |
Soft Skills and Personality Development (PSRC) |
Introduction to Human Resource Management (PSRC) |
Small Scale Business Management(PSRC) |
Note: The above table shows ALL THE AVAILABLE subjects that can be selected by a student according to their own preference.
Students are required to select one subject of their choice from Basket 1, and another subject from Basket 2.
Additionally, all students must choose the relevant subject, listed in Basket 3, so that they complete the compulsory subjects.
Please note that selecting two subjects from the same basket is strictly prohibited.
Both foundation and professional skills courses are mandatory. All compulsory courses must be completed, and the remaining credits should be fulfilled through core courses aligned with the two selected major subjects. The programme offers ten major subjects: Economics, Statistics, Information Technology, English, Sinhala, Chinese, Geography, Political Science, Sociology, and Library Science. The subjects offered in each semester across the different major areas are detailed in the tables below.
Structure and Design of Curriculum
Note: Students are encouraged to select their preferred courses from the options listed in Table (Selection of Subjects). For your convenience, detailed information regarding the subjects offered by each department is provided below.
1. Department of English Language Teaching
Course No |
Type of course |
Course Title |
Year I Semester II |
EFEN 001 (3) |
FC |
English Language Level 1 |
Year II Semester I |
EFEN 002 (3) |
FC |
English Language Level 2 |
Year II Semester II |
EFEN 003 (3) |
FC |
English Language Level 3 |
2. Department of Economics and Statistics
Course No |
Type of course |
Course Title |
Year I Semester I |
EFBM&ST 001 (3) |
FC |
Basic Mathematics & Statistics |
EPSRC 001 (3) |
Fundamentals of Economics |
EECO 111 (3) |
CC |
Introduction to Microeconomics |
ESTC 111 (3) |
CC |
Introduction to Statistics |
Year I Semester II |
EECO 121 (3) |
CC |
Introduction to Macro economics |
ESTC121 (3) |
CC |
Mathematics for Statistics |
Year II Semester I |
EECO 211 (3) |
CC |
Intermediate Microeconomics |
EECO 212 (3) |
CC |
Intermediate Macroeconomics |
ESTC 211 (3 |
CC |
Theory of Probability |
ESTC 212 (3 |
CC |
Sampling Techniques & Experimental Designs |
Year II Semester II |
EECO 221 (3) |
CC |
Economy of Sri Lanka |
EECO 222 (3) |
CC |
Development Economics |
ESTC 221 (3) |
CC |
Time Series Data Analysis |
ESTC 222 (3) |
CC |
Statistical Inference |
Year III Semester I |
EPSRC 004 (3) |
Small Business Management & Entrepreneurship |
EPSRC 005 (3 |
Fundamentals of Management |
EECO 311(3) |
CC |
Monetary Economics |
EECO 312 (3) |
CC |
International Economics |
ESTC 311 (3) |
CC |
Distribution Theory |
ESTC 312(3) |
CC |
Operational Research |
Year III Semester II |
EECO 321(3) |
CC |
Business Economics |
EECO 322(3) |
CC |
Environmental Economics |
ESTC 321(3) |
CC |
Computer Package for Statistics |
ESTC 322(3) |
CC |
Regression Analysis |
EFWBT (3) |
FC |
Internship |
*FC – Foundation Course * PSRC - Professional Skills Related Courses * CC- Core Course
3. Department of Geography and Environmental Management
Course No |
Type of course |
Course Title |
Year I Semester I |
EGEO 111 (3) |
CC |
Introduction to Geography |
Year I Semester II |
EGEO 121(3) |
CC |
Cartography and field Techniques |
Year II Semester I |
EGEO211 (3) |
CC |
Geomorphology |
EGEO 212 (3) |
CC |
Basic Technique of GIS |
Year II Semester II |
EGEO 221(3) |
CC |
Environmental Geography |
EGEO 222(3) |
CC |
Regional Development and Planning |
Year III Semester I |
EGEO 311(3) |
CC |
Climatology and Hydrology |
EGEO 312(3) |
CC |
Recreation Geography |
Year III Semester II |
EGEO 321(3) |
CC |
Natural Hazards and Disaster Management |
EGEO 322(3) |
CC |
Land use Planning |
ESIN 322 (3) |
CC |
Classical Sinhala Prose |
EFWBT (3) |
FC |
Internship |
*FC – Foundation Course * CC- Core Course
4. Department of Information Technology
Course No |
Type of course |
Course Title |
Year I Semester I |
EPSRC 002 (3) |
Soft skills and Personality Development |
EIT 111 (3) |
CC |
Basic Mathematics for ICT |
Year I Semester II |
EFIT 001 (3) |
FC |
Computer Fundamental Level 1 (Introduction to Information Technology) |
EIT 121 (3) |
CC |
Advance Data Analysis Tools |
Year II Semester I
EFIT 002 (3)
FC |
Computer Fundamental Level 2 (Basic Computer Applications- MS Office Package) |
EIT 211 (3) |
CC |
Fundamental of web development |
EIT 212 (3) |
CC |
Fundamental of programming |
Year II Semester II |
EFIT 003(3) |
FC |
Computer Fundamental Level 3 (Probability and Statistics) |
EIT 221(3) |
CC |
Database Management Systems (DBMS) |
EIT 222 (3) |
CC |
Computer Hardware and Networking |
Year III Semester I |
EIT 311 (3) |
CC |
Object Oriented Programming |
EIT 312 (3) |
CC |
Graphics Designing and Animation |
Year III Semester II |
EIT 321 (3) |
CC |
Web Design and Development |
EIT 322 (3) |
CC |
Computer Aided Design |
EFWBT (3) |
FC |
Internship |
*FC – Foundation Course * PSRC - Professional Skills Related Courses * CC- Core Course
5. Department of Languages
Course No |
Type of course |
Course Title |
Year I Semester I |
ECHN 111 (3) |
CC |
Introduction to Chinese Language |
EEN 111 (3) |
CC |
Advanced Reading Grammar |
ESIN 111 (3) |
CC |
Introduction to Sinhala Literature and Modern Sinhala Poetry |
Year I Semester II
ECHN 121 (3) |
CC |
Verbal Communication I |
EEN 121 (3) |
CC |
Second Language Acquisition |
CC |
Sinhala Language and Grammar |
Year II Semester I
ECHN 211(3) |
CC |
Construction of Sentences I |
ECHN 212(3) |
CC |
Verbal Communication II |
EEN 211 (3) |
CC |
Introduction to Western Culture and Society |
EEN 212 (3) |
CC |
Introduction to literary Criticism |
ESIN 211 (3) |
CC |
The Sinhala Novel |
ESIN 212 (3) |
CC |
The Sinhala Short Story |
Year II Semester II
ECHN 221(3) |
CC |
Construction of Sentences II |
ECHN 222(3) |
CC |
Intermediate Grammar |
EEN 221 (3) |
CC |
Sri Lankan and Commonwealth Literature |
EEN 222 (3) |
CC |
Literature for Teaching English in Sri Lanka |
ESIN 221(3) |
CC |
Sinhala Drama and Theatre |
ESIN 222(3) |
CC |
Sinhala Cinema |
Year III Semester I
ECHN 311(3) |
CC |
Composition |
ECHN 312(3) |
CC |
Translation of Chinese Texts |
EEN 311(3) |
CC |
Modern Literature |
EEN 312 (3) |
CC |
Classical Poetry and Drama |
ESIN 311 (3) |
CC |
Eastern Literary Criticism
Year III Semester II |
ECHN 321(3) |
CC |
Verbal Communication III |
ECHN 322 (3) |
CC |
Introduction to Chinese Culture |
EEN 321 (3) |
CC |
Writing Across Frontiers |
EEN 322 (3) |
CC |
Translation Studies and Literature in Translation |
ESIN 321 (3) |
CC |
Classic Sinhala Verse |
ESIN 322 (3) |
CC |
Classical Sinhala Prose |
EFWBT (3) |
FC |
Internship |
*FC – Foundation Course * CC – Core Course
6. Library Science
Course No |
Type of course |
Course Title |
Year I Semester I |
ELS 111 (3) |
CC |
Basic of Library Sciences and Information Management |
Year I Semester II |
ELS 121 (3) |
CC |
Information Sources and Services |
Year II Semester I |
ELS 211 |
CC |
Information and Society |
ELS 212 |
CC |
New Technology and Current trend in Information |
Year II Semester II |
ELS 221 (3) |
CC |
Records and Archives Management |
ELS 222 (3) |
CC |
Library Management |
Year III Semester I |
ELS 311 (3) |
CC |
Information Sciences Documentation and Communication |
ELS 312 (3) |
CC |
Organization of Knowledge |
Year III Semester II |
ELS 321 (3) |
CC |
Practical Classification and Cataloguing |
ELS 322 (3) |
CC |
Information Library |
EFWBT (3) |
FC |
Internship |
*FC – Foundation Course * CC- Core Course
7. Department of Social Sciences
Course No |
Type of course |
Course Title |
Year I Semester I |
EPSRC 002 (3) |
Soft skills and Personality Development |
ESOC 111 (3) |
CC |
Introductory Sociology |
EPSC 111 (3) |
CC |
Basic Principles of Political Science |
Year I Semester II |
EPSRC 003 (3) |
Introduction to Human Resources Management |
ESOC 121 (3) |
CC |
Sociology of Family and Marriage |
EPSC 121 (3) |
CC |
Constitutional and Political Development In Sri Lanka |
Year II Semester I |
ESOC 211 (3) |
CC |
Sociological Theory |
ESOC 212 (3) |
CC |
Introduction to Psychology |
EPSC 211 (3) |
CC |
Theory and Practice of Public Administration |
EPSC 212 (3) |
CC |
International Politics & Diplomacy |
Year II Semester II |
ESOC 221 (3) |
CC |
Social Research Methods |
ESOC 222(3) |
CC |
Sri Lankan Society |
EPSC 221 (3) |
CC |
Public Policy and Management |
EPSC 222 (3) |
CC |
Media and Politics |
Year III Semester I |
ESOC 311 (3) |
CC |
Development Sociology |
ESOC 312 (3) |
CC |
Sociology of Religions |
EPSC 311 (3) |
CC |
Conflict Management & Peace Building |
EPSC 312 (3) |
CC |
Human Rights |
Year III Semester II |
ESOC 321 (3) |
CC |
Counselling and Guidance |
ESOC 322 (3) |
CC |
Sociology of Health, Healing and Illness |
EPSC 321 (3) |
CC |
Development Planning & Project Management |
EPSC 322 (3) |
CC |
Gender in Politics |
EFWBT (3) |
FC |
Internship |
*FC – Foundation Course * PSRC - Professional Skills Related Courses * CC- Core Course
Note: Student should follow a compulsory course and required to continue the four core subjects followed in previous semester. In subject codes digit one represents the respective year, digit two represents the respective semester, digit three represents the serial number of the subject
Note: All students should follow a non-GP with 3-credit compulsory internship within 300 hours (around three months) during the III year II semester on weekday basis. Upon completion, students are expected to submit a comprehensive project report based on their internship experience.
The Bachelor of Arts General (External) Degree Programme is offered by the Faculty of Social Sciences and Languages at Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka and is delivered through a distance learning mode. All administrative processes related to candidate registration, academic coordination, and the awarding of degrees are managed by the Centre for Open and Distance Learning (CODL), located at No. 02, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Belihuloya. It is important to note that examinations for this programme will be conducted in-person at CODL.
Credit Structure by Semester wise.
Year |
Semester |
Credits for Foundation Courses (FC) |
Credits for Core Courses (CC) |
Credit for Professional Skills Related Courses (PSRC) |
1 |
1 |
3 |
6 |
6 |
1 |
II |
6 |
6 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
6 |
12 |
2 |
II |
6 |
12 |
3 |
I |
- |
12 |
6 |
3 |
II |
3 *Internship |
12 |
Total |
24 |
60 |
15 |