
Miss PMAK Wijeratne

Lecturer (Prob.)


Email :


  • BSc. (Hons) in Information Technology Specialization Software Engineering at Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology (2019)

    Bachelor of Laws (2023)


  • Miss. Ashansa Wijeratne is a Lecturer (Probationary) in Software Engineering attached to the Department of Software Engineering, Faculty of Computing. She specialized in Software Engineering at Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology with Second Class Upper Division (WGPA 3.69).

    Membership of Professional Bodies/Associations

  • Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE)

    Research Interests

  • Requirements Analysis and Specification

    Software Process

    Software Quality

    Machine Learning

    Recent Publications

  • Please see the following fot publication details of Ashansa

    Undergraduate Teaching

    1. Object Oriented Programming
    2. Object Oriented Programming Practicum
    3. Programming Fundamentals
    4. Structured Programming Practicum
    5. System Analysis & Design
    6. Rapid Application Development
    7. Semantic Web