
Mr. P Vigneshwaran

Lecturer (Prob.)


Email :


    • B.Sc. (Hons) in Information and Communication Technology (Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna) - 2019
    • M.Sc. in Computer Science (Reading) (PGIS, University of Peradeniya) 

           Professional Qualifications

    • Cisco Certified Network Associate Routing and Switching (CCNA) [Validity period: from 21st of February 2020 to 21st of August 2023]
    • Fortinet NSE 1 Network Security Associate
    • Fortinet NSE 2 Network Security Associate 

    Membership of Professional Bodies/Associations

    • Student Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering from 2018-Febrauary to 2021-December (Membership No : 94792661)
    • Professional Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering since 2022-January (Membership No : 94792661)
    • Student Member - Computer Society of Sri Lanka since 2019-September
    • IEEE Computer Society member since 2020-December

    Research Interests

    • Software Process
    • Software Architecture
    • Wired and Wireless Networks
    • Mobile Computing (5G, MANET,WiMAX)
    • Software-Defined Networks
    • Machine Learning

    Research Publication in refereed Journals

    1. P.Vigneshwaran, D.M.S.S.Dasanayake, T.Vojini, B.P.Singaneththige, S.L.Farhana and F.Fadhly Mohamed, “Design and Implementation of an OER Portal Service”,in Journal of Science and Management, Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna, 2019 (ISSN 2012-6131 Volume 04 Issue 01 2019)

    Recognized National/International awards for learning, research and teaching

    • Professor Kanthia Kunaratnam Gold Medal, for best overall performance in Pure and Applied Sciences (Academic Year 2017) – University of Jaffna-2021
    • Faculty Award and Dean’s List - Faculty of Applied Science, Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna – 2019 (Academic Year 2016/2017)
    • University Prize for the best performance in the Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology Level 3 Special – University of Jaffna
    • University Prize for the best performance in the Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology Level 2 – University of Jaffna

    Undergraduate Teaching

    • Cloud Computing
    • Data Communication and Networks
    • Computer and Network Security
    • Mobile Computing
    • Software Architecture
    • Software Process Concepts
    • Information Assurance & Security
    • Software Process Implementation