
Dr. C H Baduraliya

Senior Lecturer

Applied Sciences

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  • PhD in Mathematics and Statistics (2012), University of Strathclyde , UK

    M.Sc. in Industrial Mathematics (2007), University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

    B.Sc. (Sp.) Hons. in Mathematics (2nd Class Upper Division) (2000) University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka

    Recent Publications

  • 1. C. H. Baduraliya and U.N.B. Dissanayake, White noise in the stock market model
    (Abstract). Proceeding of the 62 nd Annual sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for the
    Advancement of Science” 2006, 97

    2. C. H. Baduraliya and U.N.B. Dissanayake, Impact of the white noise of the convergence
    of the time path of the price function in dynamic Marketmodel (Abstract). “Proceeding and
    abstract of the Peradeniya university research secession” 2006, 160

    3. C. H. Baduraliya and X. Mao, Euler-Maruyama Approximation for Asset Price in the
    Mean-Reverting-Theta Stochastic Volatility Model, “Computers and Mathematics with
    Applications” Volume 64, Issue 7, October 2012, Pages 2209–2223.