
Mr. S Nimishan

Lecturer (prob.)

Centre for Computer Studies

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  • B.Sc in Computer Science (2016) University of Jaffna.

    MCS (Reading) University of Colombo School of Computing.


  • Mr. S.Nimishan completed his B.Sc in Computer Science Degree from University Of  Jaffna (2016), and currently, he is in-reading for the MCS Degree in the University of Colombo School of Computing (UCSC). He worked as an Assistant Lecturer from 2017 to 2019 at University of Jaffna and University of Colombo School of Computing. Currently, he is working as a Lecturer (Probationary) in the Centre for Computer Studies, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.

    Published as full paper at the National/International Conferences/Symposium

    1. S. Nimishan and S. Shriparen, "An Approach to Improve the Performance of Web Proxy Cache Replacement Using Machine Learning Techniques," 2018 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfS), Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2018, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICIAFS.2018.8913368.